So much of my funny material comes from my everyday situations, To clarify, things as weird as my everyday situations happen to real people about once every two months. There are people I know that will never go through the equivalent craziness of one of my weeks.
I went back to my old high school to see the school play. I wound up with four tickets, so I ended up taking two of my buds from high school. After contemplating and eventually rejecting helping with strike, we were on the road and decided to be white trash.
If I ever need anything ever again you may find me in Walmart's clearance section. It's a condensed Walmart that's even cheaper. I realize everything is there for a reason, and it's not trustworthy, but God help me if I didn't try and buy everything. Luckily my friends are trained for this sort of thing, and emergency procedures were implemented. I escaped Walmart's clutches with only a bar of Dove soap, (for men!) play dough, and a bag of mini doughnuts. My friend bought some IBC root beer for us.
We cracked open the edibles (the donettes, root beer, and play dough) in the parking lot and we were just hanging out. This big, long, kind of aqua van pulls out from their parking spot. The van, driven by douches, loops around the aisle, comes back, and drives slowly by us, the driver glaring daggars.
They pulled around again, and we saw their back winshield. In the frost, someone had drawn a dick, and an "I <3" next to it. Naturally, we burst out laughing and did so for several minutes until they drove next to us again. Slower this time. This is the part of the movie where the three stupid college guys get canned, so we high tailed it out o' there. I swear to all business they chased us around the parking lot and down the street. To make sure, I lost them and drove around the city some before going right home. I didn't want them knowing where we all lived.
I mean, it would be fine if Mr. Creepster knew where the other two lived, but they were in my car, so....
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